Daxor Corporation

Daxor Corporation, based in New York, is the very first company to successfully have manufactured a machine, the Blood Volume Analyzer (BVA-100) that precisely measures how much blood a patient has in their body. This is a truly revolutionary piece of machinery that is able to accurately help physicians diagnose their patients correctly and provide the best medical care for them based on those findings.

Their site was very out of date. For a company like Daxor, where patients and healthcare professionals are visiting to see what they have to offer, they desperately needed an update. We did a complete overhaul on their site. We also re-wrote most of their content from medical terminology used by healthcare professionals to something that a patient could read and understand. This is making it easier for patients to better understand what they offer and where they can go to get a BVA test done. It took only a couple of short months to complete this and now we are working on their SEO and have been able to increase their organic search traffic by almost 20% in just the first month.

We also were able to increase the speed of the site by switching their hosting over to WPEngine. In addition to that we have made SEO tweaks and corrected issues that now make it easier for search engines to turn up results for their high traffic keywords.


